Sponsors / Equipment

Dog food

PROVIT and GO’ biten
– tasty energy food for dogs and cats!

Dog food
Dry dog food

Sparkesykler og utstyr

Great bike for your own training, or dog training. The most used kickbike in competitions with dogs. Kickbike and Kostka


Non-Stop dogwear

Dog harnesses, beltes, socks and other dog equipment. 


Pulka for competition, rescue, expedition, touring, childres and military.


Scooters, bikes and rollers for competition and fun

Search for @thebulla

Nyeste kommentarer

09.07 | 13:11

Hello! I currently have a GSP that I love (my second one that I’ve raised) & I saw an article about the greyster breed. I was wondering if we could discuss the breed, bc I find them to be wonderful!

07.05 | 22:30

Hi! Do you think. You will have puppies this year?

17.10 | 13:53

Hei, ønsker/vurderer greyster valp😊 Er det aktuelle kull fremover?

Vh Anders Liverud

27.08 | 18:20

Jeg har kjøpt en kick-bike av deg, nå vi kjøpe en Greystervalp. Jeg er klar etter sommeren 2021. Er det mulig og til hvilken pris?

Mvh Per Erling Daae

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