25 x World Champion
15 x European Champion
30 x Norwegian Champion
(senior classes + 6 junior)

4 Kongepokaler

Pirena 2009 winner

Defi Rhône Alpes 2012 winner

Vindelälvsdraget 2012, 2013, 2015, 2018, 2019 winner

Valgaude 2016 winner

Pulka, skijoring, sled 4-dog sprint (6-dog) and dryland

2021/22 season

Julie won the Kings Cup in golf. AMAZING ! No more words needed...

André won the Norwgian Championship dryland in scooter 1- and 2-dog. Also AMAZING !!

The winter season was a disapontment, with sick dogs and faulse pregnancy for Mercedes and Fine Josefine. Hamar TK overtook the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP from Åsarna because of lack of snow. We got 3,5 weeks to organize everything. But it ended up AMAZING too :-) :-)

Kjetil won the silvermedal on unlimited class, and André won the silver medal in the relay :-)

Holmenkollen and André also won the bronze medal in the Norwegian Championship relay with Mercedes. (Aslaug Håvardsrud and Mari Slåtto)


2020/21 season

One big sad word decribes that season: Covid-19

We just had som small races, with a few participants. But we did enjoy "glamping" with dogs and friends in our own "kohort" up in the sleddog trails... New sleeping bags, tents, camp fire and hot dogs... And we had the mots amazing randonee trip to Galdhøpiggen (Norways highest mountain)

Julie stayed one semester home in Norway, instead of the US....


2019/20 season

Since André is the musher now, I don't compete much. But we had leftover dogs at the Norwegian Championship dryland, and I participated in scooter 2-dog with Sara and Kygo. I was only 8 sec from the bronze medal :-) And only 3 sec form qualifying for the World Championship (but that was not a goal) Much fun !!

In November I was in Estonia/Tallin, talking about training etc. Invited by Non-Stopdogwear and Juri Kont. It is always an honor to be asked, and a great experience to visit new countries :-)

We have a great training group in Hamar, and we get snow pritty early up here. In addition to all the training, I was "in charge" for Nisse-løpet, Nyttårs-løpet and 3 other competitions. And I do most of the talking (speaker) at the races. I really enjoy all of this !

Around christmas the 2019 edition of "Sportsboken" was published. It is a book from all the different sports in Norway. André and I was lucky to get two whole pages :-)

Vindelälvsdraget 2 x lap records, with Fine Josefine and Mercedes. Average speed 9 km = 36,9 km/h. Since André is such a great boy, he let his mom choose dogs first ;-) This is a 300k relay, with about 8 mushers in each team. Kjetil, Ansré and I won 7 out of 9 stages. A great relay again, even if our "team 13 Hamar" came second, about 2 minutes behind. Results and info

"Hall of fame" and dinner with the Norwegian King Harald. I am one of the Norwegian Sports athletes choosen to be in this gallery. I am ofcource very proud :-)    æregalleriet

NM-veka: In the end of March the Norwegian Championship in ski-dog relay (pulka, skijoring, skijoring) was meant to be held at Lillehammer. With live notional TV. I was suppose to be the expert commentator at TV. But the corona came and shot down everything... Sad...!   NM-veka


Møte vedr. NM-veka som arrangeres i Lillehammer (Birkebeineren) i uke 13/2020.
Her blir hundekjøring også representert, slede sprint og nordisk stil 😄
På bildet er vi med Lars Nes og Erland Hosom fra Olympiaparken. Ellers møtte mange fra NRK, Lillehammer Skiklubb m.fl.

Møte vedr. NM-veka som arrangeres i Lillehammer (Birkebeineren) i uke 13/2020.
Her blir hundekjøring også representert, slede sprint og nordisk stil 😄
På bildet er vi med Lars Nes og Erland Hosom fra Olympiaparken. Ellers møtte mange fra NRK, Lillehammer Skiklubb m.fl.

2018/19 season

A great season, as a handler for André. And offcource a lot of great training with the dogs :-)

Becauce André is still junior by the Norwegian rules, he could not participate in the Norwegian Championship 6-dog class. I could not let that chance past me, so I entered the race. It was a crazy high speed the first day, almost a little icy. Fine Josefine and Roxy in front, and Kygo, Gold, Super Sara and Spinnvill. We had quite a bit trouble passing two teams, and lost about 45 sec (gopro), but we were in the lead. Kjetil was no. 2. I knew his team is a fast "going home" team, and it was some nerves before start. Super Sara was not running in my team. She was young, and I didn't want to push her another day.

I won the GOLD MEDAL in 6-dog class in the NORWEGIAN CHAMPIONSHIP, and Kjetil had a really good run the second day (even if I was 5 sec faster that day) and keept his silver medal.


Team 13 Hamar TK won the VINDELÄLVSDRAGET this year too. About 30 sek in front og Team Vom, after 300 km racing. Kjetil did sled, and André and I did skijoring. I was a great and very close race this year, with a lot of snow, and no new track records  :-)


Kygo and Gold
Nicole Vogel exchange, and Rune Haugmo handling my dogs

Kygo and Gold
Nicole Vogel exchange, and Rune Haugmo handling my dogs

2017/18 season

I am kind of retired 🤭 André is using our dogs, and Kjetil uses his dogs. Julie is playing golf...

But I do train the dogs a lot, together with André. I skijored the relay in the Norwegian Championship at Lygna. We had an accident at the first lap, so it became too hard to fight for a medal. Our team Holmenkollen SK ended up as no. 5. I did the last lap with Fine Josefine. It was new snow and a heavy trail, but we had the fastes time of all. I was really tired, but skiing behind Fine Josefine is just amazing. Whan a dog....

Kjetil, André and I also did the "Vindelälvsdraget" with Team 13 Hamar TK. We were 7 people in the team, and we won the 320k realy with a very good time. I got a new lap record, and we did very good over all. Fun race for all levels. 

In May 2017 I was is Faro/Portugal competing in the TV-show "Mesternes Mester". Former athletes were competing in differet crazy stuff for 3 weeks. Much fun and great people. The show was broadcasted at NRK in the beginniing of 2018. It was hard, but I would do it again without thinking :-)

Steffen Iversen (soccer), Gro Hammerseng-Edin (handball), Isabell Blanco (handball), Espen Jansen (gymnastics), Rolf Falk Larsen (skate), Kurt Asle Arvesen (bike), Solveig Guldbrandsen (soccer) and Bjørg Eva Jensen (skate)

2017 season

World Champion 4-dog (2-days race) with Fine Josefine, Pulka, Spinnvill and Helle (Beatrice M. Gatti Semmingsen)

We were no 4 after the first day. 18 sec. behind Elin Bjørk, 9 sec after M Høgberg and 5 sec after Tsjekkia. Soulier was 1 sec behind me, and Eira Aaseby 3 sec behind me. We were told it should be a pursuit, and was really happy about that. A pursuit would be a second chance for me. I was so exited. But when we entered the parking lot the following day there had been some protests, and we were back to the 1 min intervall. I was not happy !

I had used booties on all my dogs the first day, and that probably slowed them down a bit. I was concerned about André's race later in the week. It was just totally amazing to win the gold medal !!! ,015 sec before the CZE guy. Elin was no 3.

Pulka and I won 3 World Championships in a row: 2013 in Alaska, 2015 in Germany and 2017 in Canada. I won my first gold medal ever in Canada in 1991, in pulka :-)


André Won the 4-dog junior class: 3 days. The last day he used only 3 dogs, because the relay was the same day, and I was on the Norwegian Team no 1. Fine Josefine was resting. Andre still won with 1.36 total :-) I was so happy too see him finish !!


At the relay (skijoring 1 dog, skijoring 2 dogs and sled 4-dog) we excanged 1 meter ahead of Norway 2, and it was close for 4 km. After that I was gaining more and more meters. I was really proud to see that Helle, Pulka and Spinnvil could do two races with only 3,5 hours break :-)



Foto: Lotte Friid Fladeby

Foto: Lotte Friid Fladeby

2016 season

Trainaux Vallgaude, stagerace in France. Tigerfrøken had a bad injury after the first day, but Lucky stepped in as a great lead dog, and we won the race :-) Pulka, Black, Turbo, Gullet, Lucky and Tigerfrøken was in the pool, and we raced with 4 dogs every lap. Arne, my dad, was handler.

André participated in 4-dog junior during the European Championship at Savalen in Norway. He won the class with Gullet, Pulka, Pluto and Iron (the two teamdogs from Kjetil)

I won the Norwegian Championship in 4-dog sled at Hamar. Lucky ran faster than the light the first day, as a lead dog. Really impressing.

Holmenkollen won the relay in the Norwegian Championship for the first time ever. Julie had the first lap in pulka eith Helle (Beatrice), I did the second lap skijoring with Turbo, and he was amazing. Our lap time was over 1 minute netter than no. 2. Anne Marte did the 3. lap in pulka with Arja, overtook the leading team, and came to finish first. Is was so epic, that Julie had to cry a little....  🙂👍❤

Snørock was a great ending of the season. André did great in the "up to 16 years class", and got the 4. place with Helle. Julie finished 2. in the senior class, and qualified for the superfinal. She was no. 4 with Fine Josefine. Thomas Northug won, Ole Einar Njørndalen no.2, and Yngve Hoel no. 3.

The dryland season was André's season. Pulka had a bad crash with another dog in the dogyard in the summer, Tigerfrøken has still not recovered since January, Turbo had a problem with his foot, Snehvit had her uterus removed, and Gullgutten lives in Oslo. Spinnvill and Fine Josefine was too young for the Norwegian Championship. But André qualified for the European Championship in England with his 2. place with Turbo in scooter.

André and Fine Josefine won the scooter junior class in the European Championship in Thetford in England. Great preformance. They had 3. best time of all (incl seniors) the last day, and they qualified for the 1. team for Norway in the relay (seniors) They finished 5. André had 2. best time of all in the second lap.

2015 was another great season

I did not plan to participate on snow this season. Our kids have so much fun with the dogs, and I just enjoy that. But, then Julie had no "real" competitors in the Norwegian Championships 4-dog on snow. All the other juniors were old enough tho start in senior, and she was left with a PB team in the junior class. We took the chance to spilt our dogs, and Julie used one of Kjetil's dogs (Robin) and Synne from Beatrice M Gatti. I used Tigerfrøken, Pulka, Snehvit and Drømmejenta. They were both very amazing teams. I won my:

26. Norwegian Championship gold medal  

 Julie won the junior class, and she would have been no 3. in the senior class :-)

Our plan the whole season was that Julie should start in the World Championships in Todtmoos. Julie was European Champion in sled junior 2014, and European Champion in scooter 1-dog junior in the fall 2014. 

World Championship gold medal no. 22 and 23.

During the season, I decided to participate in the first part of the World Championships in Bernau. 

Pulka, Tigerfrøken, Snehvit and Saga (Beatrice M Gatti) and I won the mass start, and the day after i won the relay with the same dogs, and with Yngve and Eskild in the two firs laps with skijoring.

Julie came down in the middle of the week (just back from a golf training camp in Spain).  

  Julie won the Junior World Championships 

in Todtmoos. She was also the fastes of all the senior 4-dog teams after 3 days racing. We were so proud :-)

World Championship and Norwegian Championship gold medals, 

fall 2013

It was a great fall season. After a warm summer we had a warm fall too. I trained a lot in quite high temperatures on purpose. I wanted to know how the dogs preformed, and also get used to what we might meet in WCh in Italy.

The Norwegian Championship was held at a XC arena (Jømna Heradsbygd), with a lot of sand, turns and hills. A lot of fun. I did the trail about 15 times before the race, and knew every cm of the trail. In the 4-dog class I had big expectations, but also a question about how Lucky would do. All four did great: Pulka and Gullgutten in front, and Lucky (50% greyh) and Turboprinsen behind. We won 21 sec. before Kjell Sørum, Charlotta Lungren Sweden was right in front of no. 3 Svein Ivar Moen (43 sec. behind) Lucky never stops to amaze me :-)

In the 2-dog scooter the next day three were a lot of very good candidates. I was really really happy to end up as no.1., 15 sec. before Carina Nilsen and Trond Are Hoel. It was only 5 sec. between 2. and 7. place. We started after 14.00 in quite hot wether. Pulka and Gullgutten was the heroes, and I won my 25. Norwegian Championship gold medal.

The next races we had some trouble. Gullgutten got injured in his back the last day of the Norwegian Championship. Thanks to our vet/chiropractor Ingrid Wiik !!

In Italy it was very hot. For the first time there was a relay with: canicross (Jesper), scooter (me) and bikejoring (Svein Ivar Moen). We were very happy to get the third place :-) I used our "new" GSP Tyra, and she was very focused.

And then the rain started. Big time! I became very muddy, and the humidity the next afternoon was crazy. The vet´s stopped the race before Scooter 2-dog. Very sad, but c'est la vie….. The next day we started quite early, and with only one day it is difficult to know how thing will end. I had bib number 2. I had much fun in the mud, and was Lucky to win with 1,9 sec, before Robin Lyon from Belgium. Carina Nilsen was no. 3, only 4 sec. behind. Pulka and Gullgutten did great in the heavy trail. I was also impressed, especially with Gullgutten, of the last km of the trail. It was an open field, and in the hot wether he normally slow down a little. Great performance :-)

Winter season 2013

It was a great season on winter too. I won the first race at Hamar, in 4-dog sled, with Gullgutten, Pulka, Snehvit and Turboprinsen. The main goal for this season was the Kings Trofé in 4-dog class. The last time I had the opportunity to fight for the Kings Trofé in sled was in 2003 (I won the 6-dog class and the Trofé then). Many pulka mushers also trained for that race, so I was very happy when I was the winner after two days racing at Spidsbergseter. Gullgutten, Pulka, Buff and Turboprinsen ran in my team.

Then it was of to the World Championships in North Pole / Fairbanks in Alaska. I brought the same dogs I used in the Kings Trofé. It tured out to be a great championship. Friday and Saturday it was a normal race, with interval start. I was in the lead by 47 sec. after the first day, and there was more after the second day. France at second place and Sweden at third place. The distance was 9,12 km both days.

At the mass start on Sunday we won by 22 sec. Sweden second and USA third. A great race, and my first victory in mass start :-)

I won The Kings Trofé (Norwegian Championship) and 2 x Gold Medal in the World Championships, all in 4-dog sprint.

PS! Lucky was out because of the injury in France last season. Snehvit could have run in Alaska, but I could only bring 4 dogs and I had to make a choice.

Dryland season 2012

This was a great season. It started with the Swedish Championship, where I won the 4-dog class, and was second in 2-dog class. It was a difficult and hard trail, but much fun. Pulka and Gullgutten in 2-dog, and Buff, Lucky, Snehvit and Turboprinsen in 4-dog. 

Then it was Drammen Grand Prix, victory in 2-dog with the same dogs, and Jorbru with same result and same dogs. 

In the Norwegian Championship I won both 2-dog and 4-dog class. That was great. Buff and Lucky did not run, because of injuries.

And later on I was European Champion in 2-dog 😀 With Pulka and Gullgutten. I won my 15. European Championship gold medal. And stil very very happy ! And i was second in 4-dog class with Lucky and Buff in front (both 50% Greyhound), Snehvit and Turboprinsen. That was quite great too. Lucky and Buff are on the limit of what they can perform as 50% Greyhounds.

Winter season 2012

The season started well with victory at Hamar Hundekjørerfestival in 4-dog class. 

In January I went to France and the stage race Defi Rhône Alpes. 9 days and 8 laps. Around 6,5 km. Lucky was injured the second day because of much snow and a bad downhill. We lost a lot of time that day, and was a bit behind the others. Still we won the race 1,38 before Igor Tracz. Quintin Soulier did also participate.

We had a great time in 4 different places in the French alpes. Buff did great, together with Gullgutten, Turboprinsen, Snehvit and Provit.

Lucky was out for the season 😥. Too bad!!!

The European Championship was in France in February. It was really hot weather, and the trail ended with a long uphill. With all our traveling and short stage race we were not fit enough for these conditions. And in addition another team jumped into our team right before the finish and we lost the bronze medal with 3 sec. (It was a very clear disqualification, but the judges looked another way just when it happened). The last day was a mass start/ Olympic Model. Much fun, but no trail. Say no more....

The biggest disappointment for the season was the Norwegian Championship. I made a wrong choice of lead dog the first day, and was 30 sec behind. The second day we made track record, but was still 15 second behind and got the silver medal...

The last race was Vindelälvsdraget, where I was on the winning team: Team Non-Stop Dogwear. I skijored with Gullgutten and Turboprinsen. MUCH FUN race !

2011 Winter Season

This season was the most strange season I have ever had! First I hurt my leg and could not walk or use my scooter for a long time, then my cart broke during the ECh. in Italy, and then the snow finnaly came :-)

It was very cold for a couple of months, and we had to take really care. We got the kennelcauch. No training for a while, but even still I had two really sick dogs with lungh problems. In our secound race Miss Alaska hurt her sholder, and she was "really out", and never came back the way she normally runs. Frøken Norge's toe is still not good, and she was not running in competitions. But 
I won the Norwegian Championships in 4-dog class.

We had big internal "fights" about skijoring in our federation. They decided that we had to qualify for skijoring 2 dogs with pulka 1 dog. This class would have been perfect for me, but NO ENTRY...!

My 4 very young dogs ran quite good, but I had to use my fathers Lucky (50% greyh/Vorsth) the whole season. Lucky did great, but when Gullgutten had a serious back problem some days before the World Championships I understood that this was not my season...

The World Ckampionships in Holmenkollen was great for our sport :-)
Spectators, TV, fun trails and great weather.
I ended up as no. 4 in both competitions, with too young and not healty dogs...

2010 winter and fall

I did the Pirena Race again. Frøken Norge tought she was pregnant, and ran terrible. Miss Alaska had a stomack infection and had problems with more than 12 km. The 3. dog was Smash from Beatrice Gatti. He ran good some days, and not so good other days. I won 5 days, and ended up as 2. over all. The result was good after all the problems, but the race was no fun that year....

I could not participate in the Norwegian Championship on snow, because my dogs were "tecnical" still on doping after the problems in Pirena.
But a litle later in the season
I won both distances in the pre- World Championship :-)

And in the fall I won the Norwegian Championship in 4-dog dryland :-)
The European Championship in Italy was a disaster: My brand new cart broke after 3 minutes the first day.....

World Champion 2009
Scooter 1 dog, Saguenay, Quebec, Canada

It was a very hilly trail. Not tecnical, but much fun!  It was hard to deside witch dog to use: Frøken Norge or Miss Alaska?? But Frøken was really motivated, and was the lucky one. Domenic from Swiss was no. 2 and Venke de Lange no. 3.

In scooter two dogs I was second. It was OK, but Frøken was tired downhill after the two days in the 1 dog class. She has injured one toe, and gravel road is really hard for her (I don't know the english word "forkalkning", but it will not heel) Igor Tracz fom Poland won.

Lena, Igor and Venke

Lena, Igor and Venke

Norwegian Champion
Gåsbu/Hamar 2009. Frøken Norge, Miss Alaska, Romeo and Tin. Track record on saturday, and fast times on friday and sunday.

Pirena 2009
It was a great experinece! 14 days with competitions. I particitated in skijoring, with Frøken Norge, Miss Alaska and Romeo. You are only allowed to use 1 or 2 dogs. I used 2 dogs in each stage. It was much heavy snow, and much heavy wether this year. The skijorers went from 11 km to 24 km. I had 2. best time of all, includes sleds, in one 24 km and 12 km. And the beste time of all in a 12 km trail. That was fun! Skijorers and sleds competed in the same trail/distance 5 times.

For the "organization Pirena" nothing is impossible. They never see problems, only solutions. That is great! You can read more at www.pirena.com
We hope to participate next year too...

A new generation Greysthers
I got tired of not using my own dogs in 4-dog class. Kjetil's dogs have done really good for me, but they miss the extra explosive strenght in the hills and turns.

May 17. 2007 Bergans, Buff, Fart, Lucky, Alpina and 4 others were born. Froken Norge and the Swedish Greyhound "Black Warrior" are the parents.
This will be the same breeding as Turboprinsen's mother. She ran for about 5 km. Just enough for off-snow races. We will breed Bergans as soon as possible with Miss Alaska, hopfully during the spring 2009, and we will have new Turboprinsen's, Tigergutt's and Cherrie's. I can hardly wait...

Alpina is about 5 months in the picture

Comeback in the World Championships 2007
My 4-dog team in Gafsele (Sweden) World Championships 2007. I borrowed two of Kjetil's unlimited dogs. I was far behind the first day (number 4). Froken Norge and Miss Alaska were playing the whole trail. This because we two weeks earlier made the movie "The road to the Olympics", and it was a lot of stop-run-play-stop-play.... The second and third day I put another dog in lead (Step) with Miss Alaska, and we had the fastes time both days. We ended up with the silver medal.

In the picture: Step (Kjetil), Miss Alaska, Froken Norge and Flash (Kjetil)

Frøken Norge and Miss Alaska
Froken Norge and Miss Alaska were bought as puppies in 2005. I found out that is was difficult to live without the competitions. Ole Brumm and Turbo Junior were getting older... The females were European and World Champions 1,5 years old. The picture is from the WCh. Rastede Germany 2006. They were also World Champions in 2007 in Piandelagotti in Italy.

The females are pure Votsthers, and bought because I did not get any puppies my selves. They are running really greate as lead dogs in 4-dog, and offcourse in kickbike 2-dog. I only had two grown up dogs, so I used Kjetil's unlimited dogs in my 4-dog team off-snow. I did non sled competition after 2003, until 2007.

The last season: 2003
2003 was the last winter-season with my own dogs. I ended my career with European- and World Championship gold in 4-dog class. Norwegian Champion in 4-dog, 6-dog KingsCup, pulka 2-dog 15 km, and skijoring.
In the KingsCup race i used Ole Brumm, Turbo Junior, Funny, ET, Nikita (Kjetil) and Lob (Kjetil). Picture: Ole Brumm and me. 

Ole Brumm and Turbo Junior
After Turboprinsen, Tigergutt and Cherrie (sister), there was Batgirl, Alaska and Snehvit. They also had great Victories, in all my categories.

And after that Ole Brumm and Turbo Junior, grandsons of Turboprinsen. They won the World Champions in St. Moritz 1999 when they were 1,5 years old, as lead dogs in my 4-dog team. They have done great ever after. 

The picture is from the World Championship in Fairbanks 2001. Turbo Junior did great in the relay (gold). He also won the 23 km skijoring together with Snehvit and me. An we took the track record on Jeff Studdart Race Ground in 4-dog World Championships a couple of days later (3x 7,2 km)

Good old days....
The team in the '90. Sicko, Cherrie, Batgirl, Tigergutt (brown), Kristoffer Robin and Turboprinsen  

European Championship 1995
In 1995 both Kjetil and I won the European Championship in Serre Chevalier in France. Unlimited class and 4-dog class. My father and my handler Kine are also in the picture.
I have had some great handlers. Among others I have to mention Eva Thorslund Aadland in addition to Kine Moen Holilokk. They really understood what I was thinking all the time!!

Turboprinsen's birthday
Birthday-party! Turboprinsen was 10 years old in 1998. We invited all of his good friends, hardlers and others with connection to him. Turboprinsen got many gifts, we had a funny quiz about his life, and eat good cake. Turboprinsen was sitting together with Tigergutt...

Ultra Sport and Vi Menn
In 1994 we had some big newspaper and magazin stories with this picture. The photo sesion was in a fashion magazine studio, and it took houres. The dogs were quite tired of wearing their dresses after. But it was fun!

The Greysther was a sucsess!
Turboprinsen and I was World Champions in Pulka Class in 1991, Winnipeg, Canada. We got much attention for our results in that period. And also because we did unusual things, like wearing this nice dog-suite. The picture is from Holmenkollen in Oslo.

14. years with Citroën
I was working full time at my fathers Citröen-garage from 1988 to about 2002. I had 5-7 dogs inside my office every day. The rest of the 24 houres I was training and sleeping. It was quite serious!

I had a great car, with pictures of me all over...

Bad Mitterndorf 1992. Some of my faithful supporters: Alvilde Marie Moen, Kine Moen, Leif Moen, Liv Boysen (my mother), Bjoern Faye and Kjell Moen. My father was probably running arownd with me... I have been lucky to have a big team supporting me. Even my grand mother Enny joined me around. We had many great times.

A new breeding: "Ben Johnson and Grete Waitz mix"
Turboprinsen (1988) and Tigergutt (1991) was "Greysthers": 25% greyhound and 75% vorsther. They were both great in all disiplines. From the beginning of the '90 I had 7-11 dogs, and mostly Greysthers. Many people thought this mix was no good, because the greyhound would hunt the target and run no more. That did not happend. They ran, and passed other teams like any other Vorsther. I trained them the same way I trained my Vorsthers.

My first sled season
In 1992 i started with sled (3-dog class), in addition to Pulka class. I was searching for more international competition, and new goals. Until 2003 i competed in both classes, and was the first one (and only one!?) to be World Champion in both sled and pulka in the same championship: St.Moritz 1999.

In the picture from 1998: Sicko (Erlend Aadland), Tigergutt, Batgirl and Snehvit

Our first international race
Our first international year was 1988. The picture is from the race "Pulka Blanche" in Alpe d'Huez in France. The dog's name was "Marco". Until 1996 we had to put our dogs in a 4 months quarantine when we returned to Norway.

My first "big" victory
I was in Nittedal Dog Club's relay team in 1982 in the Norwegian Championship (for children) and we won the gold medal. I'm not sure, but I think Anita Halvorsen and Laila Nordby were in my team. My first individual gold medal was in 1983. I used our dog Paco, and I was really proud.

The beginning...
My father was a active pulka musher. He was quite good, but the European and World Championships was not inventet at that time. The pulka sport was big in Norway, Sweden and Finland. But because of the quarantine/rabies we did not compete in central Europe before 1988. My club Holmenkollen arranged the "Mini-ECh" in 1986, and we got French and German pulka mushers to Norway. They used our Norwegian dogs, had fun and made good contact for the future.

My first dog
I was 5 years old, without brothers or sisters, when the best Christmas gift ever was entring the house: "Nusse". She was a brown Vorsther (German Shorthaired Pointer). That was in 1975. In 1979 I did my first race in pulka with Nusse...

I quess I'm about 9 years her....

I quess I'm about 9 years her....

Dad and me
My dad Arne and me. A long time ago... My parents have always been very supportive. I'm born April 20. 1969



30.10.2017 13:27

Hello, I'm looking for a new friend to my dog GOuappa ( female pointer). we are athletic.

I'm looking for a female greyster or Norvegian Hound.

Best regards


04.02.2016 16:03

Bonjour,je voudrais aquerir un Greyster.Je fais du ski joring.Avez vous un mal !.Je suis au Canada Québec Qu'elle sont les prix avec transport par Avion si vous le faite .Merci

Nyeste kommentarer

09.07 | 13:11

Hello! I currently have a GSP that I love (my second one that I’ve raised) & I saw an article about the greyster breed. I was wondering if we could discuss the breed, bc I find them to be wonderful!

07.05 | 22:30

Hi! Do you think. You will have puppies this year?

17.10 | 13:53

Hei, ønsker/vurderer greyster valp😊 Er det aktuelle kull fremover?

Vh Anders Liverud

27.08 | 18:20

Jeg har kjøpt en kick-bike av deg, nå vi kjøpe en Greystervalp. Jeg er klar etter sommeren 2021. Er det mulig og til hvilken pris?

Mvh Per Erling Daae

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